2019 Incoming Player Portal

Hey there, Class of 2023!

Interested in playing for NUT for the 2019-2020 season? We’d love to have you!

You can introduce yourself by filling out this form. Looking for the Women’s team or know anyone that would be interested? Check out their website or shoot them a message at nugungho@gmail.com.

Keep in mind that filling out the form is not a commitment! It’s just a way for us to get to know you, answer any questions you have, and will give us a way to get you on our email list once school starts in the fall.

Our website has a lot of great information about our program. Previous posts include tournament recaps for both NUT (A-team) and Bolt (B-team), highlight videos of all of our cool plays, and general program information.

Northwestern Ultimate is a community that you won’t find anywhere else on campus. We are a tight knit group of brothers who play to get better, for fun, and for each other. We typically practice two – three times a week and travel to two – three tournaments each quarter. In 2019, NUT and Bolt traveled to Columbia MO, Tampa FL, Stanford CA, Little River SC, and Ann Arbor MI!

The fall is a great time to come out to practice, learn about our program, and get to know current players on the team. Be sure to check back on the website for more updates. Feel free to shoot us an email at captains@nutultimate.com if you have any questions about the team, who we are, or what we do. If you have any questions about non-ultimate related things (housing, classes, etc.) we’d be happy to help with that as well!

We are looking forward to meeting you and seeing what you can bring to the table! NUT 2020 is going to be a blast!

NUT Captains