Alex Champe




Alex Champe: Dude is the definition of hustle. Champe chooses to lead by setting a strong example for the team to follow, and inspires his teammates by laying out through everything and running the show on offense as a handler. Opponents have been known to call him “Thrower,” mocking his inability to cut and overall poor athleticism. Champe is also known for consistently being the best player on the field wearing pajamas. Champe was a captain this year, but only because his girlfriend – after winning the female team’s captainship – promoted him in a blatant show of nepotism. In his five years on NUT, he has grown to become one of the most dominant players in the Great Lakes region through relentless hard work and dedication to the program. You can tell he works hard because he’s really fucking sweaty after practice. You can tell he’s dedicated because he got a tattoo of our logo.

Champe has many skills outside of frisbee, but no one is actually sure what they are. After a public incident at Al’s Deli, Champe has sworn off of American food and has only consumed Pakistani cuisine for the past month. He has spent this final quarter at school honing his taste for beer, bugging Hair about how to build things in Minecraft, and losing to his girlfriend in Avalon. A lively fellow, he is known to engage in healthy discussions about such topics as: the Lunar Landing (myth), the NBA (rigged), and Spirit of the Game (bullshit).

  • Written by: Leo Galbraith-Paul

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